Police claim that the flow of homecoming for Eid 2022 is monitored smoothly


The Head of the National Police’s Public Relations Division, Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko, said that so far, the traffic flow for Lebaran 2022 at KM 47-414 Kalikangkung has been observed to be busy.

“From the results of the Ketupat 2022 Pus Ops monitoring at the NTMC Police Building, it can be seen that the traffic flow is busy and smooth,” he told reporters, Sunday (1/5/2022).

According to him, on Saturday, April 30 yesterday at 23.00 WIB until Sunday (1/5/2022) at 12.00 WIB the police implemented contraflow at KM 47-70 followed by One Way at KM 70-414 Kalikangkung. The traffic flow scheme was carried out to anticipate the density of homecoming traffic for Eid 2022.

“At 12.00 WIB this afternoon, traffic flow was terminated and normalized, but the extension time for the One Way and Gage engineering is situational depending on the volume of vehicles,” he said.

The police held Operation Ketupat 2022 to support the smooth going home for Lebaran 2022. It was recorded that 1,276,293 people left Jakarta via 5 modes of transportation


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