West Sumatra Achieves Good Achievement in National FASI XI Alek in 2022

Metro Padang – Thank God, West Sumatra won one 1st place, two 3rd place winners, two 2nd and 3rd place winners each at the national level event of the Pious Indonesian Children’s Festival (FASI) for pious children in Jakabaring Palembang, South Sumatra. today is over.
This was conveyed by the Head of West Sumatra BKPRMI 1 DPW as well as the Chair of the West Sumatra FASI Departure Committee, Pun Ardi, S.Ag, via his WhatsApp chat. Sunday (27/3/2022).
Even Ardi said, the event which was appointed by the DPP BKPRMI (Indonesian Mosque Youth Youth Communication Agency) was an important event to foster enthusiasm for the younger generation to shape the personality of the Qur’an Santri so that the Young generation of Salih Salihah could be realized who would become the struggle of the Indonesian nation’s fighters.
With the current conditions in the midst of the nation facing various tests both in the economy and the unfinished covid and other calamities, the realization of this National FASI we are very grateful because we are full of fighting spirit, for that we give appreciation to all parties who have supported and provided enthusiasm as well assistance in the form of moral and material,” he said.
Furthermore, to the West Sumatra FASI Caravan who participated actively in the struggle with the support of related parties, both the Provincial, City and Regency Governments, we want to cooperate with all of us, the National FASI Caravan Departure committee from West Sumatra, we thank you for all the sacrifices.
Congratulations on the achievement of the West Sumatra FASI Caravan Achievement as follows:
*) 1st Place : Calligraphy (pi) a.n Indah Khairunnisa. Origin of Padang Panjang
The National Committee promises to give Umrah gifts
*) 3rd place : Tahfiz TQA (pa) a.n Fauzan, from Padang Panjang
*) 3rd Place : TQA Lecture (pi) a.n Mariza, from Padang Panjang
*) Hope 2: Recitation of TQA (pa) a.n Ahsanul Maarif, from Padang Panjang
*) Hope 2: Azan TKA a.n M. Hafidz Wetri M, from Padang Panjang
*) Hope 3: TPA Tartil (pi) a.n Kuntum, from Padang Panjang
*) Hope 3: Calligraphy (pa) a.n Ahmad Zahid, from Padang City
Ardi also added, all the West Sumatra FASI caravans who have participated in fighting to give the best for the region and the good name of the West Sumatra Province on the national arena.
“Hopefully, the spirit of our struggle will become a field of worship by His side and add blessings to this country,” he hoped.
We hope that as the National FASI Caravan Departure Committee from DPW BKPRMI West Sumatra in the future, better support and collaboration are needed, especially from the Government, both provincial and district and city in West Sumatra.
And we say thank you very much to all related parties, especially the Management Partners of the West Sumatra BKPRMI DPW and the BKPRMI DPD who have contributed to the success of the National FASI Caravan from West Sumatra. (mp)


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