Pariaman City Government Prepares 8 Tourist Attraction Points in Pariaman City

Anticipating visitors during the Eid holidays and beach parties in 2022, Pemko Pariaman has prepared 8 tourist attraction points in Pariaman City.
This was said by the Head of the Pariaman City Tourism and Culture Office, Dwi Marhen Yono, when he was met by the Media Center Team of the Pariaman City Communications and Informatics Service after the joint apple and beach party rehearsal at the Muaro Parking lot, Gandoriah Beach, Monday (25/4).
“We are opening 8 official tourist attraction points for visitors who want to vacation in Pariaman City. The tourist objects that we open will be monitored by personnel, both from the Health Service to the police if there are naughty elements at the tourist attraction locations,” he said.
The 8 points include Sunur Beach, Binasi Beach, Kata Beach, Cermin Beach, Gandoriah Beach, Angso Duo Island, Talao Pauh and Apar Beach.
“We got information that Pariaman City is included in the PPKM Level I category, which means we can carry out 100% of activities, so we open 8 tourist attraction points in the hope that visitors will be more comfortable visiting Pariaman City,” he added.
For entrance tickets to tourist attractions, the Pariaman City Government has issued a Regional Regulation. Where the entrance ticket to a tourist attraction during the 2022 beach party will be charged IDR 5 thousand / person. For parking rates during the 2022 beach party at tourist attractions, 4-wheeled vehicles and the like are charged Rp. 10 rb/vehicle, 2-wheeled vehicles Rp. 5 k/vehicle and tourism buses Rp. 25 k/bus. (pt)


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