Metro Padang – Senior High School 2 Pariaman, Won First Place in the TTG (Appropriate Technology) Competition at Kota Pariaman 2022, on behalf of Razif Putra Dewilson, a student of class XI IPA 1, together with his group consisting of Foura Putri Dealini, Sabrina Oktavia, while Adifa Azuhri, who is also Class XI IPA 1, won third place, along with his theme, Putra Erlangga Alfi.
The awards, Tabanas and Charters were handed over at the XIX Community Mutual Service Month (BBGRM) and VI Dhasawisma Months of Bhakti Gotong Royong (BBGRM) Ceremony at the Pariaman City Level in 2022, which took place at the Football Field of Naras Village I, North Pariaman District, Friday ( 1/4).
Razif Putra Dewilson made a jengkol cracker printing machine and melinjo lever method, while Adifa Azuhri made a work of utilizing plastic waste into cotton, using a combustion system, where they were guided by a companion teacher, Mrs. Elkhiyami, a chemistry teacher, SMA N 2 Kota Pariaman.
“This achievement is really very proud of SMA N 2 Kota Pariaman, because it won 2 (two) winners at once, namely First and Third Place, and this TTG work, is a renewal effort, which is adapted to the social, economic, cultural conditions of the local community, as well as the natural conditions that exist in Pariaman City,” said Mrs. Elkhiyami, as a student supervisor.
This TTG contest, held by the City of Pariaman Village Community Empowerment Service (DPMDes), started from registration on 11 February to 11 March 2022, ago. Then the participants submit a paper on the design of the participants’ TTG tools and technical specifications to the DPMDes Secretariat no later than March 18, 2022.
For the assessment team of the TTG Competition, they came from State Universities, Balitbang, DPM of West Sumatra Province, DPMDes of Pariaman City, and the announcement of the winners on March 28, 2022, and the awarding of prizes on April 1, 2022.
“TTG is a technology that is in accordance with the needs of the community, can answer community problems, does not damage the environment and can be used by the community easily, and produces added value from economic and environmental aspects,” said Head of DPMDes Kota Pariaman, Hendri.
For the 2022 TTG contest or competition, participants from the general public and also students, who live in Pariaman City as evidenced by their ID cards, he said.
“To the winners of Religion, we provide Trophies, Charters and Tabanas, where for First Place Winners, get Tabanas of Rp. 1 million rupiah, Second Place Winners get Tabanas of Rp. 750,000 rupiahs and Third Place Winners get Tabanas of Rp. 600,000 rupiahs,” he concluded. (mp)
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