Pariaman City Government Hands Over 200 Layers of Chickens to Underprivileged Residents

Metro Padang – Pariaman City Government through the Department of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries of Pariaman City provided assistance for 200 laying hens for the people of Pariaman City.
A total of 20 heads of families (KK) from four sub-districts in Kota Pariaman received 10 laying hens each.
The donation of a total of 200 laying hens was symbolically handed over by the Mayor of Pariaman, Genius Umar accompanied by Deputy Mayor of Pariaman, Mardison Mahyuddin, witnessed by the Head of the Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Service of Pariaman City, Dasril in Padang Biriak-Biriak Village, North Pariaman District, Saturday (26 /3/2022) afternoon.
“As a form of government concern for the underprivileged, we help them raise chickens that are ready to produce and lay eggs,” said Mayor of Pariaman, Genius Umar.
We hope that from the delivery of this assistance, it can increase food in the recipient’s family who have a low economy.
In addition to economically disadvantaged families, Genius continued, this assistance was also handed over to residents who had donated their land to build roads.
“Because the community is sincere and willing to donate their land, then consider this as our gratitude to these residents,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Service of Pariaman City, Dasril, said that each of these aids was handed over to 10 people in Balai Naras Village, 6 people in Padang Biriak-Biriak Village, 2 people in Tungkal Utara Village, 1 person in Kelurahan Tungkal Utara. Railways and 1 person in Pasir Village.
Dasril said that the Kube chicken assistance was only given to residents who already had a chicken coop.
“Given the busy schedule of the Mayor of Pariaman, this symbolic handover was carried out in Padang Biriak-Biriak Village, because he happened to have attended the Padang Biriak-Biriak Village Head’s certification ceremony this afternoon,” concluded Dasril. (mp)


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